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This is the end by Zin

Her hands reached up, pleading for mercy from God, as tears dripped onto the heavy bedsheet, creating a pool on the floor. In the silent room, her silent screams echoed as her trembling lips whispered, “Yes, I’ve wrapped my feelings and gifted them to the universe, embracing the unknown. I don’t know how much damage I can repair in this heart, but I know I am ascending with no hope for the present or the future.”

Suddenly, the laughter of her two children filled the air, their innocence a stark contrast to her turmoil. Leen realized that her children saw life as pure as their hearts. She wondered, “Who am I to destroy their perfect world? Who am I to tell them that I have to leave the only familiar place for them? No, I’ve had my share of distractions in this world. I’ve had those who prophetically worked day and night, torturing me. No, let my birds be free from pain. I couldn’t save myself, but I will be their savior.” She said this while bearing the weight of the world on her shoulders to balance her children’s lives.

Leen’s days were like her nights, filled with the energy and life of everyone, but her heart was empty. She wandered around the house like a ghost, observing and feeling everything, yet no one recognized her as the daughter of the great scientist. Her pure, soft soul had become a dull personality. She tended to the castle with care and love but never became who she used to be – a scientist, teacher, and savior of her people – completely disappearing under Niros’s control.

It was evening, and the moon illuminated the sky with its brilliance. Adora carefully observed every movement in the castle, trying to understand why Niros had replaced her with another maid to look after Leen. She sensed that something was amiss, as Leen would never send her away. Adora quietly made her way through the main gate to Leen’s dormitory, where she knew a left turn would lead her to another long corridor that Leen used to sneak into the kitchen during the quiet nights. As she stood in the corridor, she overheard Niros speaking to Leen’s maid. “Increase the dosage in her drink. My gut is telling me her memory is starting to come back,” Niros said. The fear in the maid’s voice as she pleaded not to do so revealed how dangerous the medicine in Leen’s drink was. “Sir, please don’t push me to do that. Yes, my lady forgot everything, including what you did to her, but she became a lifeless soul,” the maid replied.

“Who do you think you are to challenge my decision, move quickly and make her drink and add the dark portion” Niros whispered in anger.

Adora’s fear turned into determination, and she could not hear anything more as she decided to save Leen. As soon as the two of them disappeared into the kitchen, Adora rushed into Leen’s room. She opened the door and saw Leen standing on the edge of the window, ready to jump. “No, don’t jump, my lady. I will tell you why you feel like this. Please listen to me,” Adora shouted. Leen turned back with hopeless eyes filled with tears and said, “Finally, Adora, dear, I will be free.”

Published inZin

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