Some of this is previous work and the middle piece is new. This is the rough order, but with other chapters to be added.
Pages 1-3 are previous work some of you will have seen.
Pages 4- 7.5 are New
The part ‘A later chapter’ is also previous work.
The Attic
‘Are you going to be ok?’ Joe put his arm around Mags’s shoulder and squeezed.
Mags nodded, her eyes on the floor, whispering ‘I’m fine’. The sleeves of her jumper were frayed where she’d plucked at them. If she told him what she was thinking, he’d get worried she was unravelling again. Nevertheless, wasn’t there an inevitability about this flat? She felt Death had been close to her, all her life. Not close like a friend, because who was friends with Death? No one living, anyway. Death was nearby, then, like she could put out her hand and touch it and here yet again, death had been present when the previous tenant had killed himself.
‘Well, I’m not sure I am’. Joe turned to Mrs Hardy, the estate agent, ‘Bit of a climb that, wasn’t it?’ he laughed, and Mags felt a rush of affection for him, always stepping in to lighten the mood.