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Journey of Souls by Zin

Leen crossed the threshold into the portal, her destination a distant planet beyond the realms of Toran control. As she traversed the wormhole, she was enveloped in a mesmerizing blend of vibrant blue hues, radiant light, and the awe-inspiring grandeur of the cosmos, aglow with myriad stars. Suddenly, a deep voice resonated, urging her to halt: “Do not depart, my child. Remain here, for without a solid plan and the guidance of the masters, we cannot ensure your safety.”

Despite initially attributing the beauty of her surroundings to a trick of perception, Leen sensed a powerful presence before her, conjuring a whirlwind that flew her hair and dress to the infinity lights, liberating her from fear and control. Confronted by this force, she reluctantly opened her eyes, drawing a sharp breath as she was drawn into an embrace, resting her head against her master’s reassuring chest. “My master,” she gasped, bringing an end to her harrowing odyssey of fear and longing. Despite knowing that hope could be perilous, she courageously allowed it to venture into her realm, nurturing it to thrive in the garden of her heart and quenching her parched veins with peace. Despair’s final efforts faltered in the presence of hope as Leen surrendered her life’s reins to its mastery to bring life again to her heart.

Her master whispered, “It is time for you to rest, my child. You have endured enough. Let us embark on your soul journey to the ascended master’s realm, where we can properly guide and safeguard your next journey alongside your surviving family members.”

As they stepped out from the shimmering portal, Leen beheld the awe-inspiring realm of the ascended master. In this extraordinary place, the souls coalesced in the form of matrices according to the degree of the enlightenment, where they fashion intricate pathways and towering structures that extended endlessly from the northern to the southern horizon. Every street and edifice on either side bore profound significance, delineating the individuals’ advancement along their quest for greater understanding and enlightenment. Their ultimate aspiration was to ascend towards the wellspring of knowledge and spiritual fulfilment by learning and bringing knowledge to their souls cluster family. With bated breath, they awaited the arrival of their wise guides, who would illuminate the next enlightening chapter of their journey.

With a voice as powerful as a roaring waterfall, Hymen cried out like lightning, his words piercing deep into Leen’s soul. “Hymen, my friend,” she whispered, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks as she envisioned everyone being saved. Amidst the crowded chaos, Hymen carved a path like a volcano forging through the earth’s core, while ideas, thoughts, and fears raced ahead of them before finally converging. “You made it,” Leen exclaimed, filled with gratitude.

Published inZin

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