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Month: August 2024

Become a dust – by Zin

Leen shattered the record for drinking among her group of friends, openly acknowledging her defeat in the face of societal customs and traditions.

She declared, “I don’t expect him to even glance in my direction, no blame, no shame. His presence within me rages like an unending storm, and my heart succumbs to this tempest, my fate to perish with thoughts of him by my side. I live each minute as if it were my last.”

AdorA the maid tried to console her, saying, “Calm yourself, my lady. You always find a solution to every challenge. Don’t give up.”

Inspector Ironbell and the mystery of the Frozen Fae by Martyn

Chapter 1 – Part 1

S’tan, the Lord of Darkness, removed his cans and in a voice like lava flowing over a geology professor – smooth but with a shriek in the background – said, “What does ‘Smack my bitch up, like a pimp’ mean?”

Shadows flickered in the light of a thousand fires, as dark, rodent-like figures scurried through labyrinthine passageways to the Books of All Knowledge chained to serried ranks of desks stacked high with ancient tomes in the high galleries above the Hall of Kur. Trails of sulphur billowing in their wake as they ran, their red eyes flashing as they flicked through whispering folios of arcane script, the Librarians of Perdition sought the answer to their master’s query in a flurry of searching, their bladders weakening with every turn of a page.

Journey of Souls by Zin

Leen crossed the threshold into the portal, her destination a distant planet beyond the realms of Toran control. As she traversed the wormhole, she was enveloped in a mesmerizing blend of vibrant blue hues, radiant light, and the awe-inspiring grandeur of the cosmos, aglow with myriad stars. Suddenly, a deep voice resonated, urging her to halt: “Do not depart, my child. Remain here, for without a solid plan and the guidance of the masters, we cannot ensure your safety.”

Despite initially attributing the beauty of her surroundings to a trick of perception, Leen sensed a powerful presence before her, conjuring a whirlwind that flew her hair and dress to the infinity lights, liberating her from fear and control. Confronted by this force, she reluctantly opened her eyes, drawing a sharp breath as she was drawn into an embrace, resting her head against her master’s reassuring chest. “My master,” she gasped, bringing an end to her harrowing odyssey of fear and longing. Despite knowing that hope could be perilous, she courageously allowed it to venture into her realm, nurturing it to thrive in the garden of her heart and quenching her parched veins with peace. Despair’s final efforts faltered in the presence of hope as Leen surrendered her life’s reins to its mastery to bring life again to her heart.


This week I am not presenting a piece of writing but a loose, and I mean loose, collection of research, questions and scenes for “The Circle of Fifths.”

I am really unsure of what direction to take this piece. I am aware that I am probably over thinking stuff and I feel like I’m going round in circles here!

So here is my list of stuff to consider… Some of this is connected in my mind but I am not entirely convinced that it all fits together…

Probability Zero by Sandra

The wind whistled through the gaps in the windows, a mournful sound, accompanied by the flapping snap of the plastic sheeting Derek Gentry had stapled up, in a half-hearted attempt to keep it out. The sounds formed an incongruous duet, but on the 400th floor, there is always wind; it’s his constant companion, or foe. He looked around the flat, the once trendy mid-23rd century holo-walls, defunct now, the genuine FlowglowTM lights, ditto, reduced to inanimate globular ornaments on the ceiling. He supposed he could change it, but he had a world to look after, so new lighting was way down the list.

He shuffled over to Ba, his old bird. She had hunted earlier that morning returning with a small mouse and was contentedly preening herself. She allowed him to stroke her feathers, as he said,

 ‘Well, old girl, it’s time for work, I’d better start.’  Ba watched him but continued to preen. He walked to the centre of the room and his worn dentist’s chair, surrounded by monitors, tubes, and wires. He tapped the monitor and watched as a faint surge of light came and went. There was still enough energy, but it was running low, he’d better get going.

Dark Sun: The Dawn of Earth’s Twilight by Martyn

In this part, I’ve updated Captain Alois to Captain Cloutier. MW

Part 5

And by night he was a pillar of fire

S. Maribel’s mess, typically filled with animated conversations, was eerily muted that night. The off-duty crew, jaw muscles stretched tight, reflecting their anticipation of a critical day in prospect, ate their meals with their eyes fixed on the surface of the small grey table, folded out from the deck, midway between the processor stripes on the aft wall, and the forward console, which controlled the level of magnification available to viewers in what doubled, in the limited space of the craft, as an observatory.

It was Elias’s first time there, and he spent most of his time gazing, mouth open, at the vista he saw through the bubble of stretched-diamond composite which sat atop the ship. The scene on which his eyes rested was the wide band of the debris ring, set against the backdrop of the galactic star field, and intersected by the slow, tumbling comets, rich in blues and greens reflecting in Maribel’s lights, preparing for their descent into the gravity well like icy migratory whales readying for their swim to the calving grounds. Its magnificence almost caused him to break out into songs of praise, and he wondered if perhaps he should, if only to lighten the mood. Before he could, the compartment door swung open and Lieutenant Bright, followed by Doctor Wildbird, climbed through.

The dance of the atom by Zin

Jake held Enlil close, whispering soothing words as Enlil’s frenzy raged on during the assault on the mirror souls. Despite Eni severing their silver cord, Jake embraced him, trying to restore his sanity by recounting the wonder of the creator. He spoke of the mystical essence of the universe, reminding Eni of the significance they had placed on it since childhood. He shared. “Remember, my friend, each day begins, the rhythm of life resonates, and it’s all thanks to this cosmic dance. The universe, the souls, everything is engulfed in bliss. I’ll reveal to you the destination of this dance, a secret whispered by all the atoms in the air. They may appear wild, but it’s a delightful enchantment, much like ours. Every atom, regardless of its emotions, is captivated by the sun, a force beyond words.”

Ini gazed at Jake with a heavy heart amidst the chaos of the purge and widespread violence. “Run, my friend,” he whispered urgently. They won’t spare you and will stop at nothing to extract information about Leen. They are going to harm her after finding her through your mind’s frequencies. Go now to safeguard her, and don’t let them get to her through you.” Jake understood the gravity of the situation and swiftly departed.

The Cuckoo by Janet

The psychiatrists are helping Lucy to piece together who she is. Her will is strong but, at night when she sleeps, I am there, the Cuckoo in someone else’s nest.

I am Anna and I am waiting.

The Cuckoo – Part 2

For the first few days after the operation, they kept Lucy heavily sedated, gradually weaning her off the drugs as the swelling in her brain decreased, delighted to see the transplant controlling her heart and lungs straightaway. Sarah and Richard were at her bedside every day, celebrating every milestone with her, the elation when she opened her eyes and said Mum and Dad palpable, only matched, a few months later, by the cheers of Jess and the team filling the hospital when Mr Davies told her she could go home. Her recovery was rapid and remarkable considering what she had been through, sitting, eating, speaking and finally walking ticked off the list in quick succession, and Mr Davies put this down to her being a performance athlete, in peak health. The part of her brain that had not been touched appeared to be functioning as it should, her personality and behaviours unchanged and her memories returning daily. Mr Davies would continue to monitor her regularly for years to come, you can’t get rid of me that easily he’d told her with a grin, but for now, his thoughts were consumed with publishing his work, confident of numerous medals and awards to come, recognising the momentous achievement of him and his team.  

Secundum by Sandra

The bright red ball bounces over, coming to rest by his foot. He knows he is expected to pick it up and throw it back, but he doesn’t want to. He nudges it away with his foot and looks around him at the compound, its bright green astroturf, the high fencing, bedecked with lanterns and, at the far end, an azure pool of cool water, filled with excited adults, interacting, and having FUN!

He hugs himself in an effort to become smaller, an invisible ball of misery on the stool in the corner, his snug, ratty jumper enveloping him, its black colour an act of defiance, the colour of funerals, and misery. They had tried to make him wear the approved clothing but he was going to be fucked sideways if they thought he was going to put that romper suit on, and if Mr ‘Call-me-Mark’ Petersen thought he was going to wear anything in primary colours, he would advise him to start watching hell, for when it froze over.

The Artefact from the Circle of Fifths by Jason

  • Where is it from?
  • I don’t know!
  • It moved against the tide…
  • How?
  • I have never seen such stillness.
  • Let me see.
  • Move aside.
  • We want to see!

The Bahamût crowded together, swimming round the unnerving object, it yet keeping their distance from the silent thing. They bristled at its presence, it was so still, so utterly different. The pod swam in circles, wanting to see the object, to be close to it but fear swam among them keeping them at a safe distance.

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