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Despair by Zin Shandi

The weight of despair crushed her heart, shattering it into countless tiny fragments that sent waves of agony through her chest with every beat. No matter how much she screamed, the pain refused to release its grip. Drained and overwhelmed by sorrow, she sought refuge in the comfort of her bed, yearning for relief from the cruel sting of separation.

Her tired eyelids pleaded for rest, yet torrents of tears stole her dreams, leaving her eyes wide open, attesting to their collaboration with her heart, transforming her body into a temple of torment. After a fierce inner struggle, Leen finally closed her eyes, surrendering to the prospect of meeting him in her dreams. She found herself poised between wakefulness and slumber, where time seemed to hold no sway over her existence in that state of mind, in that ethereal realm. 

She rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him, finding solace in the quiet comfort that shielded them from the chaos of the outside world. They held each other for what seemed like an eternity, swaying to the rhythm of a celestial symphony. In that moment, they existed in a tranquil space between realities. With a soft voice, she pleaded, “Promise me you won’t go. My heart can’t bear the thought of losing you.”

In a heartbreaking moment, his silence spoke volumes in response to her plea. The anguish in his eyes shone brightly before he slowly distanced himself, disappearing like a speck of dust in the air. His departure sent a jolt through her, awakening her to the harsh reality once again. In the stillness, her silent screams echoed as she desperately begged, “Please don’t leave me. I can’t bear to open my eyes.”

Far away, The Syrian council from the planetary star system of Syrrus gathered in the dimly lit chamber, their faces etched with concern as they discussed the delicate matter at hand. Enlil, with the leader of the Turin, stood at the centre of the room, his imposing presence casting a shadow over the proceedings. The air crackled with tension as the betrayal angels and the turan deliberated the harrowing events that had transpired.

The atmosphere grew heavy as they recounted the treacherous massacre of the divine feminine, a cruel act that had severed them from their divine masculine and left a deep scar on the fabric of their existence. The betrayal coup had left a bitter taste in their mouths, and they grappled with the consequences of their actions.

Enlil felt the weight of guilt and ambition tug at his soul as he wrestled with his inner turmoil. His eyes flickered with a mix of emotions – the burning desire to rule over the 12 dimensions clashed with the gnawing ache of remorse. Blinded by his own ego, he made a fateful decision.

Driven by a sense of dread and a misguided belief in the righteousness of his cause, Enlil departed the meeting with a heavy heart. His ships cut through the cosmic expanse, carrying with them a sense of foreboding as they embarked on a mission to extinguish every trace of the divine feminine. Eni’s fear had been ignited by the realization that despite severing their silver cord, the radiant love of the divine feminine persisted, reaching out to touch the farthest reaches of the universe.

The haunting sorrow and unyielding longing of the divine feminine stirred a primal fear within Enlil, a fear that they would reassemble, stronger and more formidable than before. He knew that if their union came to pass, the repercussions would be cataclysmic, far beyond anything he had anticipated. And so, with a heavy heart and a weighty conscience, Eni set out on his ill-fated quest, his mind clouded by the ominous spectre of what lay ahead.

In the hazy realm between wakefulness and dreaming, Leen contorted and twisted, reluctant to return to consciousness. Suddenly, a jolt of fear shot through her as the guardians burst into her room, their eyes determined and purposeful. They had learned that Enil’s followers, the Turan, had tracked her down, and he had sent his unyielding enforcers to seize her and rob her of her powers forever. Frantic and fearful, they hid her under the cover of night, hoping to keep her safe from the looming threat.

Published inZin

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